Headlines: Why Be Anglican, DNA Bioweapons & Genetic Armageddon
Feb 23, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
Why Be Anglican?

youtube.comA Sacramentalists Short: Why Be Anglican?In this Sacramentalists Short, Fr. Creighton and Fr. Wesley explain why they are Anglicans. They delve into the history, theology, and practices of Anglicani...
12:55 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
Reinventing Your Life: Embrace The Second Half Of Life

youtube.comReinventing Your Life: Embrace the Second Half of Life with Dorian Mintzer and Suzanne Braun LevineThe challenge of this life stage is getting to know ourselves in a new context. It’s a process somewhat similar to adolescence but with a greater perspective...
12:54 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
How To Brand Yourself In A Change World

youtube.comHow To Brand Yourself in a Changed World with Dorian Mintzer and Wendy MarxAuthor, speaker, reinvention coach, and branding expert Wendy Marx will describe how to brand yourself in a changed world. The world has changed and you need...
12:54 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
Bioweapons & The DNA War

podbean.comDr. Lee Merritt: Bio-weapons, DNA War, Snake Venom, Shot RemorsePlay Episode Dr. Lee Merritt served 9 years as a Navy surgeon, graduated…
12:53 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
History Of The Anglican Church In North America

youtube.comHistory of the Anglican Church In America: With Bishop Clark LowenfieldDonate (Paypal)https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GC2Z86XHHG4X6____________________________________________________________...
12:53 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
Owning Humans Through Genetic Technology
podbean.comTPMR 12/22/22 | OWNING HUMAN’S THROUGH GENETIC TECHNOLOGY PATENTS! | PAUL McGUIRE💥 DON’T MISS THIS! 💥 CENS🚫RED ON YOUTUBE 💥 Join Internationally Recognized Prophecy Expert, Minister, Speaker and Author, Paul McGuire as he analyzes current events through the lens of Bible Prophecy. Every Monday through Friday 4 - 6 PM Eastern Time.
The Paul McGuire Report radio and television…
12:52 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
Global Genetic Armageddon
podbean.comTPMR 01/10/23 | GLOBAL GENETIC ARMAGEDDON! | PAUL McGUIRE💥 DON’T MISS THIS! 💥 CENS🚫RED ON YOUTUBE 💥 Join Internationally Recognized Prophecy Expert, Minister, Speaker and Author, Paul McGuire as he analyzes current events through the lens of Bible Prophecy. WEBSITE: http://WWW.PAULMcGUIRE.US/ ✅ Make A Donation: http://www.paulmcguire.us/donations.htm…
12:52 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
What Happens In A Unitarian Universalist Church?

youtube.comWhat Happens Inside a Unitarian Universalist ChurchI visited a Unitarian Universalist Church as a Christian. What I experienced amazed me and intrigued me. Discover more about what I saw and heard here! Subsc...
12:51 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
Preaching To Philosophers

sermonaudio.comPreaching to PhilosophersJeff Morgan | Haynes Creek Church
12:51 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023

epistolizer @epistolizer
How To Do A Book Review

podbean.comS2 Ep 34: How To Do A Book ReviewTODAY on Book World: The Great Escape, we’re going to do a live posting of a book review. Many times folks know they should do a book review, but do not know how to do it. Mike & C.J. will be showing you the “how to” of book reviews
C.J.’s youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/CJPeterson
Mike’s youtub…
12:50 AM ∙ Feb 10, 2023